one on one

Evolutionary Mentorship for Your Business

for healing facilitators, coaches/guides, and conscious leaders.

I work with the Whole Human.

There is a bridge between all that is challenging in what you are working through in your life and how that shows up in your business and your expression.

Strategies can’t go far when you are afraid to use your voice or be seen in the fullness of your gifts. Your incredible skills can’t reach your ideal clients if you don’t have strategy. I work with all parts of you to bring your medicine into full, abundant alignment.

Growing and evolving your business is a spiritual initiation that continues as you grow-calling you into greater ownership of your voice, your unique and rich gifts, your power, your visibility, your boundaries, and what you are here to create and receive.

I'm here to support you every step of the way.

This work is about FREEDOM - of creative expression, identity expansion, time & financial freedom.

The people I work with experience incredible growth because they are clear about what they want, they are ready to make moves, and do what it takes to bring their vision into reality. They desire guidance and tools to bring their business into greater abundance, and are passionate, driven, and ready to pour energy and life into what they want to create!

I have three different levels-depending on where you are in your business-Activate, Amplify, or Alchemy.

Client love

“Erin has been instrumental in my growth for years but working 1:1 was a super charge in my evolution.

“Erin not only held space while i unexpectedly navigated emotional turbulence in my personal life, she also helped me refine and fortify my heart's message while guiding me through a complete overhaul of my business. I revamped all of my backend structures (websites, email, payment systems) to support a whole new client experience, including an introductory offer, monthly membership, 1:1 containers and future workshops-all of which were the result of brainstorming sessions with Erin. She also gave me specific tips and frameworks for marketing and selling that felt authentic and honest.

Our work shifted ALL the ways in which i relate to my business. Erin was able to laser focus on energetic dynamics i needed to address as well as give me steps to take and now I wake up itching with excitement to create and continue building on the plans we mapped out. Clearing out emotional debris with her support allowed me to professionally focus in a brand new way. Her guidance and ability to hold me accountable gave me the confidence to reach for my expansion. I’ve genuinely never encountered another energy like Erin’s, endlessly grateful for the fierce, loving wisdom she exudes. 

— Erin Gunzelman, Metaphysician


Investment: $1888

Includes: (4) 75 min. Activation & Strategy Zoom sessions + unlimited Voxer voice messaging with me for 30 days

This is for you if:

  • You are just starting out! You need support in building systems to be able to ground your business structure and your plan to grow. We create a strong foundation before you officially open your business or once your “doors” are opened.

  • You want to create an offer suite and a client journey.

  • You need someone by your side for all of the small questions AND all of the big questions.

  • You know that you will need mental/emotional/spiritual support and inspiration along the way.

  • You have a vision and you are ready to get to work and make it happen!

  • You are ready to take action and build your business!

Client love

“My heart is so full!  I feel like I just went through a full rebirthing process of myself…”

“I got so much more from working with Erin than I could have ever expected.  I feel so solid in who I want to be and how I want to show up in my work.  I am in awe of all the transformation within myself, my relationship to my own body, my relationship with my clients and to what I want to share in the world.  I'm feeling so inspired and fired up and invigorated.  I've unlocked a key within myself that had been dormant for some time.  Erin’s commitment to consistently going deep in our work, while modeling realness and humanness, challenged me to wake up to my own clarity, truth, and expression.  I know exactly where to put my energy and attention into building my practice so I can support even more incredible people this year!”

— Jacklynne Marder, Licensed Trauma-focused Psychotherapist


Investment: $1888

Includes: (4) 75 min. Activation & Strategy Zoom sessions + unlimited Voxer voice messaging with me for 30 days

This is for you if:

  • You have been doing this for a minute and are ready to UPLEVEL-income, impact, creativity, and vision.

  • You have either been in business full-time for 1+ years and you have hit an income or growth plateau that you are ready to move beyond OR you are ready to make the transition from your day job to going full time in your business.

  • You are a healing practitioner of any kind, coach, teacher, guide, therapist/counselor who is already seeing clients and has your basic systems in place for your business but you want to refine and evolve what you are doing to grow both you and your practice into its next iteration.

  • You have a level of awareness about what’s getting in the way of your growth but need clear insight and clear eyes on your business to break through personal challenges/fears/patterns/blindspots/lack of strategy that are inhibiting your genius and your medicine,

Client love

“My experience working with Erin has been transformational and has created profound personal and professional shifts…”

“Erin’s intuitive and intelligent guidance gave me the space I needed to grow and become even more embodied in my gifts.  Erin is a rare woman that effortlessly combines spirituality, aligned business practices, wisdom and kindness.  Through our work, I received direct validation of my soul’s desire to take action from my heart.  Having the right support allowed me to make changes that were crucial to save my energy, live my truth more authentically, and make the necessary changes to bring my business into complete alignment.  It's made a world of difference in my life as well as in my offerings!

I was able to let go of long held ideas about how I was supposed to structure my services.  I gave myself permission to bring more of my psychic skills into my sessions.  After 20 years, I feel confident and comfortable in owning and claiming all of who I am as a practitioner.”
Trish Bianco, Feminine Leadership Coach & Breathwork Facilitator


A 3-month mentorship + Breathwork healing container

Investment: $2222/month for three months

Includes: (2) 75 min. Activation & Strategy Zoom sessions + one Breathwork healing session per month + unlimited Voxer voice messaging

This is for you if:

  • Your business structure & offerings are solid and abundant and you are at an internal shifting point of evolution with your mission and vision and desire for more.

  • You know who you are, you know what you want, and you are ready to get to work..

  • You’re at a threshold of change and are feeling the wobbles, the ‘who do you think you are’s?’, the contractions that inevitably come with bigger growth and need a strong supporter to help you alchemize all that is coming up so that you can move forward.

  • This is for you if you are ready to move into greater leadership, greater visibility and greater impact.

  • You are here for something and you need a hand to hold and strong foundational support and tools to move into this next glorious place in your life and your expression in the world!

  • We will have two mentorship guidance Zoom calls + one Breathwork healing session per month for three months!

  • You also get access to all monthly group Breathwork sessions

1:1 personal & business evolution

Apply to enter this work with me…

If you are excited get started, ready to commit to working with me, and clear on your vision and what you want to create, fill out the application below. These questions will support you in getting clear on your needs and to help me determine if we are a resonant fit for each other. Please fill this out with care, with intention, and with depth.